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One of the sports that I do is swimming and this summer because my father was good at it. I try to see if I liked rowing. I started to row in Club Regattas Limas, a club in which the primary sport they do is rowing. Club Regattas Lima is a club which in their shield there are the rowing paddles that signify that rowing is the club's specialty, apart from that the club's anthem is about how club members win in a rowing race.

Through all the summer, I started to grow and from which I found two crucial CAS Learning Outcomes;

I identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. And demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

First of all, I demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively because before, I thought that rowing was a sport that you could work alone, that each person could just row their boat, and that was it, but I was so mistaken. I was so wrong that in my first class which ironically, it was a cold-weather because we were in summer. The teacher told us that we had to swim in the cold ocean 100m in 5 minutes and that everyone has to pass that time, which meant that everyone had supported each other and try to work together. The water was so cold that there was a moment I didn't felt my legs, but the whole rowing class members were saying inspirational things and even singing the club anthem, which I don't know-how that motivated me and made me want to finish swimming the 100 meters.

After that, I realize that those boats are for two people, and the teacher gives the importance to bond with each other so it would be easier to synchronized and row with my partner at the same time or else the boat flips, and we would felt into the water. After that, it was easy to be friends with everyone, and as a group, we try always to help each other, which made me recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. Also, once a boat hit another one breaking a paddle, so all the boat, including mine, made a circle so we could protect that boat and wait until the teacher come to help them.

As I said before, another CAS Learning Out is that Identify my strengths and develops areas of growth. As I am not an expert in rowing, I sated to learn some techniques which they were easy to do, but the position that I had was not straight enough. So now that I know that I had a wrong position, I always concentrated that I had to have a better position or else I would have a low equilibrity and make the boat flip. Which in the end, I had a better one than from the one I started.

Although I liked rowing, I would only do in the summer because of the beautiful weather there is. Because I would have to go to another place la Punta every weekday from 10 pm, then weak up at 4 am and rowing until 6 am and because I still have to go to school the logistics are not excellent so I can't.

5th CAS Entry (Activity): Intro
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