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ICC planning

How to win with everything against you...


The story begun with only two cabinet members and one of them flies away for vacation to another continent. It was just only me trying to plan this enormous event. I had billions of obstacles and so many tasks to do. Whether it was to see and make the prom chose the theme of the ICC or the colors that would represent us or even the slogan, I had to plan a way to solve it. Apart from that, I had to see which people would go to what activity and to see how to design and produce the T-shirts and sweatshirts. I felt that it was going to be impossible and that I was not going to do it. I realize that I couldn't do it alone, so I had to do something. I had to ask for help. I find friends to help me and by managing my time, be on time for deadlines, and looking for the feedback we did it. 


They help me to organize myself, be a better leader by being a better team player and I started to learn from my mistakes so I can explain my ideas to the prom, and soon we chose to be Juniorrasic Park, we decided our green and black colors, and we chose our slogan "PREPARE FOR EXTINCTION." During the vacations, they also helped to design the ICC clothes and started to plan who was going to be in which activity. Before the way, I thought was that I could do it and it was going to take me only one day but I was wrong, even with the help it took me around the whole month of July to plan this well.


When my Vice president came back I delegate and he took care of the ICC cloths meanwhile I took care of the activities. Later in August, I got two more cabinets members in which they also started to help and the day before ICC, I stayed with some friends to start the decorations. When ICC started we winning like no other prom. In the last day when said those results, and when they told me that we won, everyone hugged each other and we were crying with joy. I went up and grab the cup and I never felt so proud of my prom and so grateful because they all help me in different ways, whether it was planning or playing, we all contributed, and in the end, our efforts were reflected on those results. 


Now I know that I am not alone and that I can do anything with a little help from my friends. They taught me a lot, whether it was new skills or different moral lessons they make me grew as a person. Thanks all of you for helping me; Michelle, Ariana, Kia, Rafaella, Madu, Arantxa, Regina, and Manuela. You guys helped me to make history in this school.


When I was holding the cup I remember the promise that I said if they elected me as president of the grade. I promise them to lead them to success, and I did.

1st CAS Entry (Creativity): Intro
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