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Summer Camp 2020

One of the things I enjoy of Colegio FDR is that you can assist and help teachers in teaching students from grades from one to five. Summer camp is the place where you can be a student Aid, and that camp teaches you a valuable lesson because it teaches you how to be a role model for those children.

For my CAS Learning outcomes, in this case, I have learned to; Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively, and Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

For the Summer camp, I was helping two teachers, one that was teaching English and another who was in the class where we did fun games. Both of them show me how to be a role model for the kids in my class.

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. To teach English, the children need to have fun; otherwise, they are going to get bored, and they will not pay you the attention needed to learn. Keep in mind that I got to teach from ages 6 to 10, and so we to make different activities like watching videos or doing puzzles or even playing bingo. In that class, I learn that to make them learn something. I can't just tell them the answer because they are going to memorize it and not understand what they have done. And so I have to make them reason what was going to be the answer to how to pronounce one word or what "eraser" is. And so we both together have to understand the child's reasoning to made them learn what they are doing. In the end, I realized the value of doing this and see when we both work together; they understand the exercise and master the skill needed for them to learn English, which made me demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

On the other hand, for fun games, I had been watching Mr. Roger's documentary: Won't You Be My Neighbor." and also the interviews of Tom Hanks of how he interprets Mr. Rogers in "A Beautiful name in the neighborhood." One would ask themselves why are you watching these, well, the answer is that Mr. Rogers was a man who inspired many students. So the way he talks to them in his television program made those kids learn things in life from how to forgive to the understanding of why people kill other people. His method was always to make sure that they are looking at him in the eyes and be patient. For being patient, what he meant was that when he gave instructions or saying something important, he would make long pauses so children could understand him.

For fun games, where usually children at the age from 6 to 10 typically cheat so they can win a referee is harsh even for the teachers. So I realize that one of my areas of growth that I needed help was to have more patience with the kids because, in the end, they are just having fun, although I was pretty strict on following the rules. When they were arguments, I always made sure to understand very well what happened and so how to resolve it like Mr. Rogers I had to speak calmly, make sure that they looked in my eyes, and chat with pauses so the children would understand why the actions they did were wrong. Of course, this work for the majority, but not everyone reacted the same way, which in that case, I would call the teacher for help. By doing this, I identify my strengths (which is to resolve the majority of the argument between the children) and develop areas for growth (which was having patience with them).

In the end, Summer camp is always a beautiful experience that I enjoy being part of as a student aid.

6th CAS Entry (Service): Intro
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