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ICC Shortfilm

1st place!

For the new ICC film Rafael, Alana, and I started discussing what we were going to do. Because we had slapsticks as the genre, but we had to find a way to do it by zoom, and we had less than two ays hours to make it. The first CAS Learning Outcome I want to speak about is number two: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken. As seniors, we have many things like the EE or IA; we need to work on our deadlines. Apart from that, we had to create that movie of the genre distinguished by physical comedy, and because of the pandemic, we had to find a way to do it virtually. So we started to communicate with one another and work as hard as we can. We talked and gave brainstorms. In the end, we all three decided to make a movie with plushies like a Toy Story just better and with slapstick comedy in it. Rafael was doing somethings; meanwhile, Alana and I were writing the script. In the end, we put all the things together, and it came out, after working hard hours as a team, we won first place.  This shows how we can do anything if we communicate a lot in the teams and stay organized. Also, because of how we worked together, it taught me the CAS Learning outcome number five: Demonstrate the skills & recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. As said before, if we communicate a lot and work together as a team, we can do anything.

11th CAS Entry (Creativity): Intro
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