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Mamá Victoria

This is the project is one of my favorites, I say this because for the first time I felt empowered and felt that I had done a good job.  This is also explained in the part of IA -- Deep Dive. In that part, I explain what was the project about so here I am going to explain more in detail about what I did in that organization. To make a summary it was,s a project that my partner Annesofie and I need to find a problem in Lima and try to solve it. We found out that we need to help mothers and children that were separated and need help to support the child.

Mamá Victoria is a place where there are rooms for separated women and their children. The government send this women who has a probability of getting hurt by their partner. This place is run in a self-management way; this means that they don’t get the help of the government to help the mothers and children. They don’t accept workers only voluntaries because they say that when they have lots of money many people go and work asking for money but when the money is gone then everybody will go.

I and my work partner went to this house, and first, we both play with the kids. We learn their names, birthdays, and their way of living. We went a couple of times by helping them with their homework. Later we realize that we need more people to help, so we brought more friends.

Now we started to teach the mothers English, and we teach the children basic knowledge. Our next steps are to create a school club and go and teach them because as they say, education is the thing that will make us better.

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Operación: Mamá Victoria: About My Project
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