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Creativity Activity and Service

CAS it divides in to three themes; Creativity, Activity, and Service. 


Creativity: Experience the encompass original thinking, including artistic activities and other learning and teaching experiences.


Activity: Experiences that contribute to a healthy lifestyle through participation in individual/team sports, as well as any other activity which focuses on physical exertion.


Service: Experiences that involve interactions with individuals or groups, which provides benefits to the community. These experiences should not only involve contributions to others but also with others while developing a deep commitment. 

CAS: Intro


There are seven important learning outcomes for CAS

  1. Identify own strengths & develop areas of growth

  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

  3. Demonstrate how to initiate & plan CAS experience

  4. Show commitment to & perseverance in CAS experiences

  5. Demonstrate the skill & recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

  6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  7. Recognize & consider ethics of choices and actions

CAS: Body
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