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I never knew how to play a ukelele before, but I decided that I would start to learn new things because of the pandemic. I knew how to play the guitar, and I thought it might help me learn the ukulele chords; however, the guitar's chords and ukelele's chords are very different, which meant that I was starting from zero to a new instrument. I have a ukulele which they got me for Christmas, and never used it until now, so I was practicing the chords, and even though they are challenging to play little by little, I started to ply. That is why my first CAS Learning Outcome I want to talk about is number four: Show commitment to & perseverance in CAS experiences.  I practice throughout the day around two hours, which makes me dominate well now the chords. Which brings me to the first CAS Learning Outcome: Identify own strengths & develop areas of growth. I dominated the chords but to make riffs or solos on the ukulele is still one of my areas of growth I still need to work on, which I am trying to work on it now by practicing a lot thought the day, which shows my commitment to this instrument again.

12th CAS Entry (Creativity): About My Project
12th CAS Entry (Creativity): Pro Gallery
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